Thursday 11 February 2016

22 Things I Learnt in my first 3 Months of Blogging

I've been writing things on this little blog for just over 3 months now. That's not very long at all, I know, but I've learnt lots. Here are 20 of the first things that came to mind (kind of...)

  • Sticking to a schedule is hard
  • Having a schedule is good
  • But, producing quality content instead of content for the sake of a schedule is best.
  • There's a corner of the internet dedicated to blogging
  • & those that spend time there are super friendly
  • Even though, it can feel a bit intimidating to just "get involved" at first
  • Twitter chats are the perfect solution, the entire point is to jump in on conversation
  • It's hard not to focus on the numbers
  • This is especially hard as there's no point of reference, what's the average views for a 3 month old blog anyway?
  • You should update your settings to make sure you'll get notified when someone leaves a comment. You'll miss lot's of things that make you smile otherwise.
  • Notebooks serve more than one purpose, though the main one is looking pretty as blog props
  • Blog props really are a thing
  • Crucially, you can order marble sticky-back plastic from Amazon
  • Twitter feeds move pretty fast
  • So does your phone battery
  • You shouldn't worry when someone unfollows you on Twitter - it's usually just a small brand you didn't follow back (cheers, Crowdfire)
  • People who send automated DMs are annoying (cheers, Crowdfire)
  • Basic SEO doesn't need to be scary
  • But you should probably still add it to your CV
  • You don't need to know what you're doing, Google has all the answers
  • You can honestly write about whatever you like
  • Mostly, I've learnt that carving out my own little spot on the internet is pretty fun.


  1. I love this post! I can't even explain why, except that I can relate. I don't Google things, I look up semi-useful pinterest infographics. Uh, I love this post!

    1. Ooooh I rarely use pintrest for info-graphics, I love info-graphics, why don't I do this?! haha will defo be stealing this tip! xx

  2. I love this post! I can't even explain why, except that I can relate. I don't Google things, I look up semi-useful pinterest infographics. Uh, I love this post!

  3. Such a great post and everything's so true! you've defo learnt a lot in a couple of months of blogging.. I really don't see the point of following people then unfollowing them a day later xx

    1. I couldn't agree with you more about following people and unfollowing them the next day! Where's the sense in that? :)

    2. I totally agree!! I mean sometimes people follow, then maybe change their mind and that's totally fine. When the same people follow and unfollow you over and over it gets pretty tiring! Really easy to recognise repeat offenders too haha xx

    3. Yeah I don't get it. It's all they really want to follow you for is for you to follow them back, I mean what's the point? Also so much effort then going back in and remembering who to unfollow. Silly Silly! But love the post :) Come check out

  4. I can't believe you have only been blogging for 3 months, your content is great!
    Kathryn /Cherries in the Snow

    1. Aww thanks so much Kathryn that is so nice of you!!xxx

  5. Great post! I am already finding getting a schedule together really daunting, but hopefully I can do something similar when I have been blogging for 3 months.

    Glad I stumbled upon your blog!

    1. Let me know if you do post something similar! I;d love to hear how you've got on! xx

  6. Loved your post! It's been a little over two weeks since I started blogging and it's been intimidating! Could relate to everything you've put down!

    1. it IS intimidating isn't it? how are you getting on so far? xxx

  7. Love this post, been blogging for quite a while now and still relate to many of these points xx

    Sophie |

  8. And it doesn't get any easier 😝 Ok maybe a little, when I first started blogging I spent a lot of time trying to make my blog 'perfect' but it just made me unhappy, now I blog because I want to, no particular schedule, blog about what I want, when I want and it made such a difference, one tip: Don't try to be like everyone else, blog for you because that's what makes your blog unique :) enjoyed this post Hun!!

    Oh I love Twitter chats, I have reminders in my calendar so i don't miss out :)

    Meme xx

    1. I definitely need to set those Twitter chat reminders! Great tip! <3 xxx

  9. I love this post! I've just got back into regular blogging after a hard few years and getting back into the schedule etc is tough. I admittedly use Instagram for chats and promo more than Twitter which is something I should really do more. Xx

    1. That's really interesting as I don't usually find Instagram is that helpful for me in terms of driving actual traffic to my blog - maybe I'm doing it wrong?! haha xxxx

  10. Great post you have learn't so much more than I did in my first 3 months, I have only learnt you can get sticky back marble sheets today :P But everyone learns different and it can take a little while to get that blogging bug.

    Meme xx

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